Robotripping is a slang term that describes the abuse of cough medicines. This word was created among people who refer to abusing a popular brand of cough medicine, Robutussin. The drug dextromethorphan is the active ingredient in this brand an many other cough suppressants.
These cough suppressants are meant to help people who are suffering from the common cold in order to relief a nagging cough. When you take it as directed on the label, you benefit from the effects without any harm to your mind.
However, some people have discovered that if you take cough medicines in a large quantity, it can have an effect on you psychologically. People abuse this medicine to get on a "trip" on their mind. This creates an addiction because when they get off of their trip, they want to get back on. They find that next time, they have to take more for the same effect. So, the abuse gets worse and worse.
This is a serious problem in substance abuse. This is especially hard to control because cough medicine is easily obtained over the counter in many retail locations, and even online.
Some stores are cracking down on shoppers who try to buy great quantities of cough medicines at once because they do not want to contribute the the drug abuse problem. A bigger problem exists with the young people in society because their minds are still developing. When this development is affected by drug abuse, the effects to their adult life can be devastating.
Substance abuse can exist in many forms, and it does not have to be with hard drugs. If you suspect someone whom you care about is abusing cough medicines, do not hesitate to intervene. You may be able to save his life in the long run.
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