Saturday, July 19, 2014

Is Addiction To Sleeping Pills Real?


Many people suffer from insomnia, so they are willing to do everything just for a good night rest. They start taking sleeping pills, thinking this would solve their problem. Indeed, Valium and Ativan can secure their peaceful sleep for a while, but sooner or later these people are going to notice the drugs don't have the same effect anymore. They need to increase the dosage. So they do, but shortly after, the body gets used to this new level of drug in the blood stream, thus rendering it ineffective.

Xanax gives great results as well when the patient starts the treatment, but on long term it is highly addictive, patients not being able to cope without it anymore. Moreover, they always need to increase the dosage as their body gets used to the substance and doesn't react to it as strongly as in the beginning.

The problem with all these people is that benzodiazepines and other similar drugs do nothing but mask their symptoms, while the cause remains there. A better approach would be to treat the cause, the main condition which is the root of all evil. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, so doctors keep on prescribing sleeping pills to the anxious or insomniac patients, knowing very well that they might come back for stronger dosages in the future. The only thing they can do is alternate the medication so that the body doesn't get used to one of the substances too fast.

Addiction to sleeping pills is a problem, but the lack of sleep is also a condition that can generate serious illness like chronic fatigue, anxiety or other neural troubles. Humans need their minimum hours of sleep, otherwise their body won't have the chance to regenerate and recharge for the following day.

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