Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Dangers Of Sleeping Pill Addiction And Their Symptoms

Since the dawn of time, humans have had trouble sleeping for a variety of different reasons, in the past we needed to stay alert for dangerous predators lurking in the words, but nowadays many times we have predators in our dreams, keeping us up at all hours of the night. For this reason we invented sleeping pills in order to help us get a good nights rest, so we can tackle our work projects the next day, with a clear and alert mind.   One of the problems with these pills, and there are quite a few different brands available, is that many people grow to like him for their hypnotic and tranquilizing effects. They also tend to cause a resistance in the body, so many times people end up taking higher doses as time goes on.

Once a person has exceeded the regular dosage, sometimes several times the regular dosage, their body's are out of whack, and can no longer quit taking the pills because they'll never get to sleep, due to the  abuse of the drug. Some of the symptoms that are displayed by those that are abusing sleeping pills would be: excessive drowsiness, headache, constipation, wild mood swings, weight loss, and difficulty performing simple functions while at work. In the  late stages of abuse, hallucinations, tremors, and seizures can all become commonplace, as well as death.

Sleeping pills such as Xanax, Valium,  Ativan and many others, are one of the most addictive drugs prescribed by doctors. Many medical professionals are quick to prescribe pills without ever solving the deep-rooted problems of sleeplessness, but the end result is only more problems in the future.   The list of prominent entertainers and those in the public limelight, that have died from an overdose of sleeping pills and alcohol, is long and sad.

Ending an addiction to any kind of sleeping pill can be extremely difficult without help. If you are addicted it's best to contact a qualified rehabilitation center to see what kinds of programs they have that can help.  Either way, it's important that the heavy abuser have medical attention for the original detox for their safety.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A New Beginning: Recovering From Addiction Effectively

Recovering from alcohol addiction can be daunting, especially for those who have tried many rehab programs in the past. In reality, entering a rehabilitation center does not guarantee that one will be okay after the program. Some folks go back to their old ways once they are out because they still have resins of toxins in their bodies that are receptive to their dopamine hormones. It is vital for people to understand that quitting an addiction requires effective treatment methods, including psychiatric evaluation and detox.

Where Can I Get Help?

Seeking help is a great step in fighting addiction. There are many rehab centers out there, thus, it is important to go to facilities that are really competent to treat patients with various types of addictions. One center that provides effective and comfortable programs is the New Beginnings Recovery Center. At New Beginnings Recovery Center, patients are not stuck into traditional treatment sessions. They are given the chance to talk with counselors and experts about addiction. They are also put into detox sessions to ensure that their bodies are cleansed safely. Detoxification helps substance abusers to fight their cravings. Unlike other centers, they combine Western and Complementary Alternative Medicine to help their patients recover faster.

Programs Offered At The New Beginnings Recovery Center

A challenge to most patients who are going through rehab sessions, is withdrawal. There are moments when they feel the urge to take the substances that they are addicted to, which may even push them to stop their treatment sessions. Rehab centers like the New Beginnings Recovery Center can address withdrawal symptoms effectively and comfortably so patients don't feel too pressured throughout the process. Unlike most rehabs, the New Beginnings Recovery Center uses advanced anti-craving medications to ensure that patients are able to thwart the use of addictive substances for a long time, or even forever.

Treating Deficiencies

Most patients who undergo withdrawal symptoms need special supplements to keep their bodies strong. The sudden halt of alcoholic beverages and other addictive substances in their systems can be dangerous if not properly handled. Through powerful coaching, lifestyle management, detox sessions and vitamin restoration, patients are not only able to stop addiction, but they are also able to bounce back into their healthy lives.

Are You Struggling With Addiction? New Beginnings Recovery Center Will Help You Recover:

Alcohol Detox Programs

Friday, November 21, 2014

The Signs Of Alcoholism And Where To Get Expert Help

For many people having a drink on the way home from work is just a quick stop at the bar, and then they're on their way. Or, a trip to the  beach could involve a drink or two, but maybe not, however for some people it's nearly impossible to take just two drinks, and any large celebration that involves alcohol is bound to be a disaster in one way or another.

If drinking just one drink is difficult, or attending a wedding without getting drunk is unthinkable, and spending the day fishing will take a half case of beer, then you may just have a problem with alcohol.  Let's take a look at a few of the major symptoms of alcoholism now.

One of the biggest problems that alcoholics face is they lack the ability to control the amount of alcohol they drink after they've had just one or two drinks. So, every time they drink, they almost always end up drunk, passed out, hung over and not feeling well. Another symptom of many alcoholics, is their lack of ability to have a good time without alcohol. That means every barbecue, every baseball game, any birthday party, or just hanging around with friends, all have to involve consumption of alcohol, many times to excess.

Due to their daily drinking, an alcoholic will usually have a very high tolerance to alcohol. After a few years they will usually be able to out drink most of their friends and still appear to be sober. When people with this high tolerance are pulled over by the police, they sometimes have surprisingly high blood alcohol levels, while still being able to walk. This is a strong indication  that it's time to get some help in alcohol rehab.

It is estimated that nearly 15,000,000 Americans have difficulty with alcohol at some point in their lives. It is a very difficult addiction to overcome without the help of professionals at an alcohol rehabilitation center, and most the time in patient care is needed. In an inpatient alcohol rehabilitation center, the patient stays in a tranquil environment with no alcohol triggers available.

There is expert medical help on-site in case of serious conditions that can arise when people are detoxing from their addiction to alcohol. In many cases IV's are needed in order to replenish fluids and vitamins in the body, and additionally there are some medications that can ease the pain of withdrawal.

Breaking a long-term alcohol addiction can be one of the most difficult tasks in a person's lifetime. For the most part, those that have been successful long-term in breaking their alcohol addiction, have used a quality inpatient clinic combined with long-term counseling as well.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Getting Treatment For Barbiturates - Best Places To Go

There is a drug that was often prescribed, for many decades, in order to help people relax. Barbiturates were used since the 1950s, but were steadily replaced by benzodiazepines. These drugs are able to affect your central nervous system, depressing it, allowing you to feel much more calm and serene. They have an analgesic effect as well, helping you to feel less pain, similar to what opiates are able to do, yet not as powerful. You can get addicted to barbiturates, however, and if this is a problem you're currently facing, you need to find help for your problem with a drug rehabilitation center.

Different Types Of Barbiturates

There are many different types of barbiturates that may be prescribed. Some of the most popular prescribed by doctors today include Amytal and Nembutal, as well as Seconal and Phenobarbital. It is possible to overdose on these drugs when people feel that they need to take more. They are used to treat epilepsy, chronic headaches, and are also purchased on the street because of how they make people feel distant and relaxed, especially in higher doses. The worst thing about these drugs is that they are very addicting. You may find yourself taking more and more everyday. If this is a situation you are facing right now, it's time to get help for your addiction.

Getting Treatment For Barbiturates

The best way to stop using barbiturates is to slowly wean yourself of them, perhaps trying benzodiazepines instead. Your doctor will be able to work with you on limiting the amount that you are taking, but if you are using so many that weaning is not going to work, you might want to check into a rehab center. After staying several weeks, you will gradually go through withdrawals, and then you will no longer need them in your life. Contact a rehab center today if you have a significant problem with barbiturates.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friends And Family Are Very Important When It Comes To Alcohol Abuse Treatment

Millions of people around the world drink alcohol without any problems. It is great to have it in drinks at social events as it can help to loosen people up. This kind of social drinking does not cause any problems, though, and is accepted as normal alcohol consumption.

 However, for a few people, alcohol can become a problem, and the effects of alcohol abuse is not only to the drinker, but family and friends as well. The strain on families can be so much due to an alcohol abuser that in the end it can prove too much, and they split up.

Research has shown, that for a person to want to have alcohol abuse treatment, it is best if family and friends help them as much as possible. Having the support of those who are close can be the difference between an alcoholic getting help, or continuing on the road to destruction. The longer alcohol is abused, the more difficult it is for a person to stop. Another downside to long term abuse is the damage it can do to the body.

The worst case scenario for those who abuse alcohol is liver damage. Alcohol will eventually cause so much damage to this organ that cirrhosis will appear. If drinking continues after this point the outlook is grim, as the liver can fail. Once that happens the body will die.

Many other parts of the body are affected as well, which is why the sooner the problem is rectified, the better the long term outcome will be. This is why it is important to have everything out in the open, and as much talking is done with the drinker so that they understand help is available to them.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Taking Methamphetamines Means More Downs Than Ups

The reason why many people resort to substance abuse is that it helps them to escape the world. Well, that is the theory anyway, but it is not really like that. Taking a drug such as crystal meth can give the person a high, as well as a feel good factor.

However, to everything in life that has an upside there is also the inevitable downside. Methamphetamines for instance, give a person a rush of good feelings, but as it starts to wear off, a feeling of anger, edginess and fear can set in. These negative effects last much longer than the positive ones.

So, in order to get the positive effects back, the user needs to take more drugs, and this is how addiction starts. Once a person is addicted to something like crank, it can be extremely difficult to break the cycle. Apart from the mental effects this kind of drug results in, there are also physical ones as well.

For people who have been abusing for a long period of time, withdrawal should only be done under medical supervision. This is because the physical issues associated with withdrawal can be painful, as well as other side effects.

Breaking the cycle of drug abuse often needs to have support from the family, help from friends, and overseen by a doctor. Depending on the length of time drugs have been taken, will decide how easy or difficult it is to come off them.

The good news though is that with the correct help and support, there is always a positive result. As long as support continues after treatment, then most addicts manage to stay off the drugs. Although it can still be difficult for a previous addict to stay off drugs, it gets easier as time goes by.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Substance Abuse Treatment Can Help To Prolong Life

It is well-known that drugs such as crystal meth can ruin lives, but that does not stop people from taking it. What many people do not know is the physical damage it can do. For those who are addicted, substance abuse treatment is the best way to prevent further physical deterioration. The damage done to the body depends on the exact drug type taken, the amount, and the duration of the abuse. So what kind of damage does drug addiction do to the body?

Certain drugs have different effects. For instance, cannabis is known to have an effect on the mind, especially if it is used over a long period of time. The longer the use, the more likely the person will become more paranoid. This means that those who take weed for a long time are more susceptible to mental illness later in life.

One organ that can be damaged through drug use is the liver. One of the functions of this organ is to filter toxins out of the blood, and this includes things like drugs and alcohol. It works as one of the best filtration systems, but it does have its limits. When they are exceeded, then damage is caused. This makes it function less efficiently, and so toxins build up in the body, which damage other organs.

Another organ that can be damaged through drug abuse is the heart. Many of the illegal drugs will cause the heart to beat either erratically, or at a high speed. Over time, this puts a lot of stress on the heart, and it can lead to permanent damage. This is why cardiac arrest is common in long term abusers. The best way to stay healthy is to not take illegal drugs at all. However, for those who are addicted, then treatment must be sought.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Substance Abuse Treatment for Methamphetamine Addiction

One of the most dangerous drugs around today is methamphetamine. Called speed, meth or crystal by those who use it, this harmful substance is man made and contains some very troubling ingredients. Although a person will experience a speed high when using meth, these chemicals will also rapidly begin to erode the entire body, making the person a shell of what they once were.

It can be very difficult for a person to quit using meth without some form of intervention. The withdrawal from it causes a great deal of discomfort and pain. The addict feels compelled to consume more in order to relieve their suffering.

When an addict choosing to go to a substance abuse treatment program, they are given the opportunity to go through detox under the care of medical professionals. They may be able to administer some non-narcotic drugs that will help to alleviate some of the pain. There may be other treatments that are used during the detoxification period, depending upon the facility.

Once a person has gotten through the worst of withdrawal, they will be allowed to join the others for group meetings. This is a great place for those in treatment to begin expressing some of their feelings, including embarrassment and fear. The other people in the meeting are also in treatment for their own substance abuse and a facilitator who works for the facility is present to help guide the conversation and make certain the group remains a safe place for everyone to discuss themselves.

Treatment facilities also work with addicts to help them establish a safe environment and practices once they leave the treatment center. This can include seeing a private counselor and going to twelve step meetings in town.

Those who are addicted to meth need to get treatment.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fix Your Addiction to Opioids And Morphine Derivatives

If you have ever taken Tylenol with Codeine, opioids and morphine derivatives, or simply codeine itself, you have may have found yourself addicted to certain drugs that you have been prescribed that have opiates in them. Addiction to pain meds can occur over a short period of time, usually only using the drugs a few weeks at a time.

Although some people will have an easier time resolving this issue, others will need to work with a specialist that can help them recover completely. Let's look at how you can find a rehab clinic in your area that can help you do just that.

Opioids And Addiction

If you ever become addicted to opioids, it could be because you had use them for too long. Your body becomes addicted to these types of drugs because it requires a certain amount of stimulation which can only be provided by higher levels of opiate-based narcotics.

 If you try to wean yourself, this is something that you can do, but you have to make sure that you are able to do this with proper support levels to be successful. This is where rehabilitation clinics come in.

Solving Your Opioid Addiction

If you have an addiction to opioids, it is more than likely because of your body becoming accustomed to higher levels of stimulation. When this occurs, you must quit taking the drugs as soon as possible, or get help from a rehabilitation clinic. As long as you are able to continue to move forward, using less of these narcotics every day, you should be able to quickly wean yourself of them, and potentially find a different way of handling the pain that you feel on a regular basis. Once you have ended your opioid addiction, you will feel free, something that can happen to get help right away.

Are You or Someone You Love Struggling with Drug or Alcohol Abuse?
Christian Drug Rehab Can Help You Overcome Addiction 

christian struggling with addictions

Friday, September 19, 2014

Alcohol And Drug Abuse Can Be Treated With A Little Patience

Alcohol and drug abuse can affect any family, regardless of class. There are no barriers when it comes to addiction. When it does occur in a family it can have devastating effects on those around the one that is addicted. Although someone suffering from alcohol abuse may think that they are good at hiding the problem, they seldom are.

Family and friends soon pick up on the amount of alcohol being consumed. They can smell it on breath, full and empty cans and bottles will be found. The most important give away is that the behavior of the person will change.

Once a person is addicted, whether it is to drugs or alcohol, it can be a long road before they ever accept that they need treatment. In the early days, people are often in denial that they have a problem. As it progresses, that usually changes to excuse after excuse to try and cover up what they are doing, and by making out that they have control of it.

 They do not, and it is this constant denial that prevents them from going for treatment. Until a person decides that they do have an addiction issue, and they require help to deal with it, then it is a waste of time to proceed with treatment.

Dealing with the mental problem of addiction, is just as important as helping with the physical part. Shouting and screaming at an addict will not help them at all. What is required is support and understanding from friends and family.

 Also, a lot of patience. Progressively showing the person what it is doing to them, along with friends and family, can make them realize the problem over time. It is at this point that treatment should be sought.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Getting Treated For Crystal Meth In Your City

Crystal meth is one of the most dangerous chemically based substances that you can smoke or take. It has caused many people to have extensive health problems and appeared to have aged prematurely. Essentially, it accelerates yourselves, seemingly causing massive quantities of free radicals to assault every cell in your body. You can definitely tell if someone has a meth addiction by looking at their teeth, their eyes, or their gaunt expressions. Fortunately, there is a way to wean yourself of this addicting drug if you can find a treatment center. Here are some ideas that you can consider if you would like to stop using crystal math in the near future.

Why Are Methamphetamines Bad For You?

At the top of this very long list, crystal or meth can actually lead to death. If it doesn't kill you, it can cause you to have heart conditions, brain damage, psychotic aggression, memory loss, and other health conditions that can affect every vital organ in your body. Reason that it is so bad is because it is so potent, giving you a mad rush after you take your first bump. It is also why people become addicted to this drug, a drug that has cost many people their jobs, their friends and family, and also their lives. You can get treatment for this drug before it's too late by finding treatment centers in your area.

How To Find Methamphetamine Treatment Centers

To find a substance abuse treatment center for methamphetamines, the Internet really is your best friend. You probably want to keep this on the down low and discover this information in private. The last thing you want to do is make your addiction public which can start the unraveling of your life. Even worse, if you don't do something about it soon, if you are high the addicted to this substance, it could jeopardize your health and even take your life. Find out more about methamphetamine rehabilitation centers if you would like to stop using crystal meth.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Why You Should Stop Using Barbiturates

A very popular drug several decades ago that was used to help people that were suffering from depression or anxiety were called barbiturates. These drugs went under a number of different names including Seconal, Phenobarbital, Amytal and Nembutal.The reason that doctors prescribed these particular drugs was because they could help people sleep and acted as a sedative which could help with their fears and anxieties.

 However, these drugs were found to be very dangerous, and very addicting, and benzodiazepines were soon the drug of choice to replace barbiturates that were prescribed. Let's look at what these drugs actually do and where you can get help for treatment for this type of drug abuse.

What Barbiturates Do In Your Body

Barbiturates are actually anxiolytics that also act as anticonvulsants. They have a wide spectrum of uses including anesthesia and mild sedation. They directly act upon the central nervous system as a depressant, making it possible for people to feel less stressed.

There are side effects, however, which included extremely bad headaches, and also an increase in some of their symptoms which made people feel even worse. That's why benzodiazepines have replaced these drugs, with Xanax leading the way. To get treatment for this drug, however, here are some strategies you can use.

Getting Off Of Barbiturates

To stop taking these drugs, you can get a prescription for Xanax or other benzodiazepines that are available today. You can check into a rehabilitation clinic where they can help you with your problem. You can also find natural remedies such as lemon balm extract that also works directly on the central nervous system. All of these avenues are available to you, clearly showing anyone that has an addiction to barbiturates that they can stop using them quite easily.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Opium Addiction Treatment

Opium is derived from the opium poppy. This plant contains both morphine and codeine which are highly addictive prescription only pain medications. One of the most insidious uses of Opium is to further refine it into heroin, one of the deadliest and most addictive drugs on the planet.

Other drugs derived from the opium plant include codeine, Demerol, hydrocodone, methadone, morphine, Lorcet, Oxycontin, Vicodin, and Vicoprofen. Collectively these drugs are refereed to as opiods or opiates.

Heroin aside, possibly the most dangerous thing about these drugs is how commonly they are prescribed for pain management purposes. This has led to an opiod addiction crisis across most of the world where otherwise law abiding citizens are being turned into addicts without ever realizing it. The danger of these drugs, oxycontin for example, is that a person who starts out using it for legitimate purposes will find themselves addicted to it without ever realizing it. Oftentimes the pain of an injury being treated with the drug is mistaken for pain caused by withdrawal after the underlying cause has been healed.

Opium, Opiates and Opioids

Treatment of opium, heroin and other opiates is rather difficult because it requires careful and methodical drug management. The danger of these drugs is that the body will have an extreme reaction to being taken off of them cold turkey. This reaction could lead to heart failure and death.

A typical treatment regimen will be too replace the opiod with something that is legal and less intense. For example a heroin user might be prescribed oxycontin. Then they will slowly be weened off the drug, or transitioned into even less addictive versions of it. This is a very slow treatment process, but one that is necessary. There are both in-patient and out-patient clinics available to help with the treatment of opium addiction.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

PCP Is Not To Be Messed With

You need to learn about the dangers of PCP because they are very real and very dangerous. If you're going to be taking this drug, then you need to read through this advice right now. Keep in mind that any illegal drug is potentially dangerous and you should get help with a substance abuse issue.

PCP is not a good drug because it's basically going to poison your system. When you take it, you will feel your body and mind basically separate, and it also will have you feeling like you cannot control yourself in a lot of cases. The drug has had people commit violent acts under its influence, and some even harm themselves in gruesome ways. It's a good idea for you to not start dabbling with this drug. Even if you have used it and nothing happened, the next time you may not be so lucky.

Once you realize you have a problem with PCP you should get help as soon as possible. That way, you will be able to know that you are not alone and that it is possible for you to get yourself clean. There are quite a few people that don't ever get help and this drug starts to take over their lives. If you feel like you're helpless, there's nothing left to do besides call a treatment center and let them take care of it with you. You are more powerful than a drug and can get through this!

A great deal of people that have done PCP are now in jail or dead because of the effects of it. You should take your time to get off of it right now. After all, your life is important and you need to get clean to get your life in order.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Substance Abuse With Crank - Treatment Options To Consider


Anyone that is addicted to methamphetamines, also referred to on the street as crank or crystal meth, may develop a significant addiction once they start taking this drug. In the same way that opiates can have an effect on your body, compelling you to continue using this drug, methamphetamine has the same effect on your body, but it does so for different reasons. Let's take a look at why substance abuse with methamphetamines is at all-time highs, and where people can get treatment for this very addicting substance.

What To Expect With Crystal Meth

If you have never taken this drug before, you have probably heard about it. There are many things that people experience once they start using regularly. The primary reason that people enjoy this particular drug is because of the incredible rush that is felt which is similar to cocaine. It will feel as if you were shot out of a cannon, that you can do anything, and your state of mind will be on high alert. There are negative drawbacks afterwards as you begin to come down, such as itching, delusions, and all of the symptoms that come with drug withdrawals. These withdrawals are what cause people to continue to bump methamphetamines throughout the week, simply because they cannot do without it. That's why treatments are necessary, especially a treatment centers, where people can get off of meth.

Locating The Nearest Meth Treatment Center

Anyone that would like to stop taking meth can go to a treatment center and within 4 to 6 weeks, it is possible to become completely clean. Depending upon how long you have been using, it could take more or less time. By checking into a clinic, staying there, and adhering to all of their requests, you will be able to stop using crystal meth, and wonder why you ever did it to begin with. There is always hope for people that are addicted to crank. Contact a treatment center in your area and start on your road to recovery if this is something that you do have an addiction to.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

How To Beat An Ecstasy Addiction

The first time a person takes ecstasy will usually be a positive experience.  This drug releases serotonin into the body.  Serotonin is essentially the substance that makes the brain happy or experience feelings of joy.  As ecstasy causes the brain to release this in large amounts, the user will feel euphoric.

However, when they come down from their high, they will no longer feel good.  Some will brush off their first experience and go on to live a drug free life.  Others will continue to take ecstacy and other drugs regularly.

When the body begins to rely on a drug to function properly, there is a problem.  If the addict stops taking the drug, they will experience withdrawal.  Some very unpleasant withdrawal symptoms include vomiting, nausea, anxiety and a "racing" sensation.

Instead of dealing with withdrawal and getting clean, most addicts will take more drugs in order to feel normal again.  As drugs are expensive, many addicts will find that they cannot afford to buy them with their regular job.  This is when addicts turn to unsavory or illegal jobs.

This can all be prevented by getting help.  An addict can get cleaning by telling their loved ones that he or she has a problem.  When they do this, they can start being honest about their intentions to get clean.

Most families will encourage the addict to get into a treatment program.  An effective option is an inpatient program.

This is when an addict checks into rehab for a month to work on their issues.  As they will not have access to drugs or alcohol, they will go through and survive withdrawal.  After this, they will undergo therapy to discover what it is that made them to turn to drugs.  Then they will be taught to manage this desire/need in other ways.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Alcohol Abuse And Alcohol Treatment Options


There are quite a few treatment options that are available for those that suffer with alcohol abuse. What most people do not realize is that, despite being legal in a supermarket, alcohol has detrimental side effects that are similar to what many illegal drugs can do as well. 

For instance, treatment centers around the country are well aware of what this substance is capable of doing. It can cause liver damage, problems with your ability to think, and also has quite a bit of history in regard to deaths that have been caused by people that drink in excess.

Signs Of Alcohol Abuse

There are many signs of alcohol abuse that you may notice including irritability, depression, and many other conditions that are typically related to taking hard-core drugs. The effect that it has on your liver and kidneys can also create quite a problem. Few are ever wondering what is alcohol abuse, it is the use of alcohol in excess.

It becomes a crutch upon which people must lean upon in order to get through their day. Alcohol abuse treatment center options are not limited by any means, but you are going to find more of them in the city.

Getting Treatment For Alcohol Abuse

To get treatment for alcohol abuse, you simply need to check into some form of clinic. Once there, you will be introduced to individuals that will be able to help you stop drinking altogether. It's a gradual shift that must be done in a certain way in order to get the desired results.

If you are capable of getting to the treatment center, you will more than likely have the willpower necessary to stop drinking excessively. Talk to your doctor about what treatment centers are available, and which one he would recommend that you use.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

What Is Robotripping And How Is That Harmful?

Robotripping is a slang term that describes the abuse of cough medicines. This word was created among people who refer to abusing a popular brand of cough medicine, Robutussin. The drug dextromethorphan is the active ingredient in this brand an many other cough suppressants.

These cough suppressants are meant to help people who are suffering from the common cold in order to relief a nagging cough. When you take it as directed on the label, you benefit from the effects without any harm to your mind.

However, some people have discovered that if you take cough medicines in a large quantity, it can have an effect on you psychologically. People abuse this medicine to get on a "trip" on their mind. This creates an addiction because when they get off of their trip, they want to get back on. They find that next time, they have to take more for the same effect. So, the abuse gets worse and worse.

This is a serious problem in substance abuse. This is especially hard to control because cough medicine is easily obtained over the counter in many retail locations, and even online.

Some stores are cracking down on shoppers who try to buy great quantities of cough medicines at once because they do not want to contribute the the drug abuse problem. A bigger problem exists with the young people in society because their minds are still developing. When this development is affected by drug abuse, the effects to their adult life can be devastating.

Substance abuse can exist in many forms, and it does not have to be with hard drugs. If you suspect someone whom you care about is abusing cough medicines, do not hesitate to intervene. You may be able to save his life in the long run.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Avoiding Addiction To Morphine And Fentanyl


Becoming addicted to opiate drugs is very commonplace in our society. Even people without chronic pain are finding that the way that they feel when taking opiate-based pain relievers is preferable to the way they generally feel every day. It gives everyone a slight buzz, making them feel happier and more pain-free. However, these drugs are extremely addicting, and the moment that you stop using them, the withdrawals will kick in. To avoid this, especially addiction to opioids and morphine derivatives, you need to get help from professionals that can gradually wean you off of these substances. Drugs such as methadone, fentanyl and morphine are extremely addicting. Let's look at how you can stop your addiction to these drugs this year.

Why Opiates Are Addicting

When you take opiate drugs, they are binding with receptors in your brain that will start to require higher levels of interaction. The higher the dose of the medication that you take, the more receptors are affected. That's why people go through significant withdrawals, which may include shaking, muscle pain, and an assortment of other problems because your body is reacting to the absence of stimulation of the receptors in your mind that the opiates were providing. To be free from opiates, and to get through this withdrawal period, You will have to work with individuals that can help you during this troubling time.

Clinics To Help You With Opiate Withdrawals

When you go through opiate withdrawals, you should never do it alone. It is a difficult enough experience without having to do this in isolation. You may not be able to get up, or function, while you are experiencing the withdrawals. That's why it's important to check into a clinic, get this behind you, and start leading a regular opiate free life. Hopefully this will inspire you to consider getting off of opiate based drugs if you are currently taking them, or to help someone that you know find their way to being opiate free.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Get Help For Your Marijuana Addiction


While marijuana is not as addictive as drugs like meth or heroin, plenty of people are indeed addicted to it, at least mentally. Stoners always need to be near a source of pot and they experience discomfort when they are not around it.

Weed is not physically addictive and you can't overdose on it. It can cause temporary psychosis which can lead to death. Recently in Colorado since weed has become legal, two deaths have been attributed to the drug. The first death was a college student who leapt to his death off a balcony after ingesting marijuana. The second person shot his wife after smoking a few joints.

Abusing pot is definitely a form of drug abuse. Also, the constant smoking is not good for your health. It is bad for your lungs. Pot can have some negative effects on you like making you lazy and sluggish. Some people gain weight when they smoke a lot of pot.

The main thing you need to overcome if you want to stop smoking pot is the mental addiction to it. You may feel like you need pot to function. You might have to start your day with it, smoke it throughout the day, and end your day with it. If you try to stop smoking it, you might not be successful.

If you can't stop smoking pot, a visit to a drug abuse counselor is in order. The counselor will meet with you regularly and help you come to terms with the conditions in your life that are causing your pot addiction. In this way, you can gradually stop smoking. You will find that you don't need it anymore and you will be free of your addiction. Being addicted to anything isn't good. Get help for your pot problem today.

Choosing a Drug Rehab

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Is Addiction To Sleeping Pills Real?


Many people suffer from insomnia, so they are willing to do everything just for a good night rest. They start taking sleeping pills, thinking this would solve their problem. Indeed, Valium and Ativan can secure their peaceful sleep for a while, but sooner or later these people are going to notice the drugs don't have the same effect anymore. They need to increase the dosage. So they do, but shortly after, the body gets used to this new level of drug in the blood stream, thus rendering it ineffective.

Xanax gives great results as well when the patient starts the treatment, but on long term it is highly addictive, patients not being able to cope without it anymore. Moreover, they always need to increase the dosage as their body gets used to the substance and doesn't react to it as strongly as in the beginning.

The problem with all these people is that benzodiazepines and other similar drugs do nothing but mask their symptoms, while the cause remains there. A better approach would be to treat the cause, the main condition which is the root of all evil. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, so doctors keep on prescribing sleeping pills to the anxious or insomniac patients, knowing very well that they might come back for stronger dosages in the future. The only thing they can do is alternate the medication so that the body doesn't get used to one of the substances too fast.

Addiction to sleeping pills is a problem, but the lack of sleep is also a condition that can generate serious illness like chronic fatigue, anxiety or other neural troubles. Humans need their minimum hours of sleep, otherwise their body won't have the chance to regenerate and recharge for the following day.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Effects Of Binge Drinking And Alcohol Abuse

When a person is much younger, even in their teenage years, it is a very popular activity to do was call binge drinking. People at certain ages, depending upon the groups they are in, will wait for the weekends to come so that they can drink excessive amounts of alcohol. Unfortunately, this isn't the best way to go, and can lead to alcohol abuse. There are many options that people have to get back on track, a few of which are mentioned in this article to help people that suffer from alcohol abuse.

Drugs And Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol effects are easy to notice, but usually only when you see them with other people. Looking in the mirror, it's difficult to realize you actually have a problem until you talk to people that know that something is dramatically different about the way you act, especially when you need a fix. Drug use and alcohol abuse is something that plagues our society today, primarily because people are finding it harder to survive in our struggling economy. They may also have personal problems in their life related to their spouse, or they may be unable to deal with their children properly or their job. There are many ways to get help, the first of which begins with a rehab center.

Rehab Centers In Your Area

You have probably seen television reports about celebrities that are constantly checking into rehab centers. These individuals have all of the money and fame in the world, but simply cannot deal with their own life. You can find rehab centers in your town, or your city, that will have openings to help you. Simply call them up, find out when they have an opening, or even a free consultation, and start moving toward a life that is alcohol and drug free. These tips should give you the motivation necessary to either help yourself, or someone that you know, stop using drugs and alcohol in excess.

How Does Alcohol Affect Teens?Find Out in the Informative Article Below:

How Does Alcohol Affect Teens?

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Treating Meth Addictions - Substance Abuse Treatment Centers Near You


Methamphetamines or meth have been popularized in the last few years as a result of certain television shows that depict criminals benefiting from this drug. Prior to that, meth was a drug of choice for those that like the way that they felt after taking a hit or bump. It has a way of getting your body to respond very quickly, amping you up as if you just took several shots of espresso. Whether you take crystal or speed regularly, or you simply want to make sure you are not addicted, you should find a substance abuse treatment center in your area to get the help that you need. This quick overview of methamphetamine drugs will help you understand why they are dangerous, and also why you should get help for your addiction as soon as possible.

Why Methamphetamines Are Dangerous

One of the primary reasons that methamphetamines are highly coveted is because of their ability to stimulate your central nervous system. It works directly on your spinal cord and brain, affecting neurotransmissions. Neurotransmitters are affected by things like dopamine which is part of the natural reward system of the body. It increases the amount of dopamine that is felt, and thus produces a euphoric effect. This is similar to how cocaine works, or poppyseed derivatives such as opium which make people happy, and gives them extra energy. It's also a pain killer, but more than anything else, it is highly taking and can be detrimental to the body. When you look at meth addicts, you can see that they have been taking it for quite some time because they will look decades older than they actually are. To get help for this addiction, you can find methamphetamine substance abuse treatment centers in your area.

Whether it is called meth, crystal, or speed, it is one of the most dangerous substances that people can take today. At the very least, it will begin to deteriorate the cellular structure of your body, causing your teeth to fall out, and premature aging. To avoid all of this, find a treatment center as soon as possible if you are currently addicted to methamphetamines.

Monday, July 14, 2014

How To Recover From Oxymorphone Addiction


There are many drugs on the market today that are extremely addicting. Some of them are prescribed by doctors, making them very difficult to get off of. Your doctor is more than likely giving them to you to control your pain, something that you may have a chronic condition with. If this is the case, you don't have many other options. However, if you simply take these medications derived from poppy seeds on a regular basis just to get high, you could develop an addiction for these substances which could significantly change your life for the worse.  Here are some steps on how to recover from oxymorphone and oxycodone HCl addiction if you are suffering from that right now.

Meperidine And Hydrocodone

Meperidine is a narcotic analgesic is prescribed by doctors for chronic pain. There are many different side effects including getting the hives, fainting, seizures, muscle twitches, slowed breathing, extreme sleepiness, and many others that are detrimental. Hydrocodone as similar side effects, and because of this, many people try to find other ways to control their pain. Unfortunately, it is virtually impossible for people to get rid of their addiction without working with the treatment center.

Treatment For Addiction To Pain Meds

If you are addicted to your pain medications, and you have tried to quit, but you can't, you will have to contact a treatment center in your area that can help you with these types of drugs. Whether you are on Vicodin, Norco, or some other form of oxymorphone, it's going to be difficult for you to find relief without someone by your side. Find out more about treatment centers for opiate based drugs today so that you can end your cravings for opiates,  and find a new way to control your pain, and literally change your life.

Successful Treatment for Opiates, Opioids and Heroin through Laguna Beach Recovery:

Laguna Beach Heroin Rehab

Alcohol Addiction Is A Commonly Ignored Problem


There are people all over the world that do not take alcoholism seriously. While drugs are fought against at every turn, many people dismiss alcoholism as something that is not too serious. This is not the case at all. In fact, there are millions of cases of alcohol-related illnesses reported each year. Even so, many people fail to see the gravity of the situation.

If you have ever watched television, you would notice that alcoholism was constantly displayed on the screen without being intentional. For example, Archie Bunker, the character from the television show All in the Family was laughed at when he began to drink and acted more surly than normal. This is a great example of the way that people see alcoholism. Despite things like liver failure, death and kidney failure, people think that this is something to sit and laugh about.

It seems like alcoholism is only taken seriously when people who drink are underage. To show what I am talking about, let's discuss the comedy show The Facts of Life. When the character Tootie got drunk and was nearly expelled from school, it was billed as a "very special episode." Does this mean that alcohol is only a danger and a threat if the person imbibing is doing it illegally? Of course this is not true at all, but that is what people are led to believe.

Alcoholics in reality often ignore the fact that they need to seek treatment since they don't see this as a problem. The day that people stop laughing at this disease and start showcasing the extreme nature of it will be the day that some of these people go and get the help they need. Since it is hard for them to see through their alcoholic haze, it is our responsibility to help them see how bad this really is.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Handling Opioid Addiction - Treatment Centers Near You


You have probably heard of people that get addicted to pain medications. These medications are not similar to Tylenol or ibuprofen as they are made of opioids. These drugs are derived from poppy seeds and are very effective at handling pain. The problem with using these drugs over time is that you can develop an addiction for them as well. Unlike more potent drugs such as heroin, crank, or LSD, this is simply a painkiller that gets overused. It can cause severe problems to your liver in the same way that Tylenol can, but its main problem is that once you are addicted, you needed to function. Here are some tips on finding treatment centers for opioids and morphine derivatives.

Codeine With Tylenol Is Addicting?

When you get a prescription for codeine, it actually has opiates and Tylenol mix together. The Tylenol is the majority part of the pills and is not addicting. However, when the opiates are used, or abuse, it can cause changes in your central nervous system, specifically stemming from your brain, in what are called mu receptors. Once these expect a certain level of stimulation, you will develop a craving for the opiates every single day. Therefore, it's not the Tylenol in codeine that you get addicted to, but the poppyseed derivatives or opiates.

Finding Treatment Centers For Opiate Addiction

The best way to stop using opiate-based medications is to find a treatment center that can help you out. If you are constantly in pain, and opiates are the only thing that can help you, you won't notice any problem until you stop. It is at that point that your body begins to react to the absence of opiate stimulation, causing the withdrawal symptoms to occur. That's what you need to find a treatment center for opiate addiction if you have been taking these painkillers for many years. This information should help you understand why opioids are addicting, and why you should get treatment for them as quickly as you can.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Two Most Dangerous Myths About Drug Abuse


There are wide range of addictive substances, from alcohol to narcotics, and even many prescription medicines, the chance of the average person being exposed to an addictive substance during their lifetimes is much greater than many imagine. That is why becoming armed with the facts about addiction is important and begins with exposing two very dangerous myths.

#1 - Addiction Is Only A Problem For Young People.

While many teens and young adults do suffer from addiction, older people can become addicts as well. Stress and physical pain can be the gateway to an addiction to powerful prescription medications. Methylphenidates, Percocet, and even Vicodin can be the gateway to addiction for many expecting adults.

#2 - Addiction Is Only a Problem For Poor People

This is one of the most dangerous myths, because it's so widely believed. However it overlooks that income, personality, and social circumstances also have a role to play in the development of addiction. Drug abuse can easily found both upscale and impoverished environments! In fact, the more disposable income you have, the easier it becomes to gain access to a wide range of intoxicants. Abuse of drugs like Methylphenidate, MPH, R-ball, and vitamin R can be found across any and all income brackets.

Addiction is a problem that is exist almost everywhere and can be considered a hidden danger. Don't fool yourself into thinking that addiction is only a problem for those guys hanging out on inner-city street corners. Highly addictive substances can be easily found in suburban drug stores, medicine cabinets, and parties in almost any neighborhood. Sometimes it can be hard to make the right decision, but if you become armed with knowledge you may be better able to avoid becoming trapped in the horrible cycle of addiction.

Intensive Outpatient Treatment from Pennsylvania's Leader in Quality, Compassionate Substance Abuse Treatment:

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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Danger Of Using Steroids

My brother has always been pretty fit, but a few years ago he started to be quite dangerous with it. He started taking multiple supplements because he got obsessed with the idea of having a perfect body. While his body did bulk up, several other problems came right along with it.

The first issue he had was the fact that he was always so jittery. If you sat in a room with him for a few minutes you would start to notice his leg shaking or the sound of his keys clanging together as he toyed with them. This is not unusual for most people, but for a guy who sits still like a statue most of the time, it was highly noticeable.

He has a girlfriend and they have always been pretty well-matched, but the Stackers changed that. Instead of complimenting her and being cordial as normal, he constantly found things to argue about. When he lost his temper with her and physically abused her, she did the right thing and exited the relationship right away.

At that point I tried to tell him that what he was doing was highly dangerous and would only lead him down a terrible path. He ignored me and continued using them. He admitted to me that he felt like stopping would mean the end to all of his hard work. I understand where he is coming from in one sense, but there is no law that says you cannot get bulk the healthy way.

A month ago I got a call from my sister about my brother. Apparently, he collapsed and was admitted to the hospital. He was told that there is something wrong with his heart and that the steroid use is to blame. He says now that he regrets the choices he made and he wants to get help for the problem. He has been clean so far, and I am hoping it stays that way.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

How Crack Heads Have Become A Part Of Pop Culture

How Crack Heads Have Become A Part Of Pop Culture
There are many people out there who understand how serious cocaine abuse is. With that being said, there are others who find it humorous to make fun of others that have this problem. Several movies have depicted people addicted to crack in a serious light, while others poke fun at the concept. For example, there is a character in the film Friday named Felicia, and she has become a pop culture icon.

In the film, every time she approaches the characters looking for a way to fund her next score, they reply with, "Bye Felicia." Now people all over the place are using this as a way to dismiss people in their lives who may be bothering them. While there is nothing wrong with this on the surface, it is important to think beyond that.

While Felicia is not a real person, her character goes through what many people do when they are in the throes of addiction. Many of their waking hours are spent trying to figure out how they will get high again. As the niece of a guy who has stolen items out of the family home for drugs, there is nothing remotely funny about that.

The sad thing is that Friday is not the only film where this has happened. While films like Jungle Fever, City By the Sea and Clockers have tried their best to show the real side to crack addiction, people do not remember these as well as Friday. Maybe it is because it is easier to poke fun at something than to sit down and really have something to think about. Hopefully, for the sake of anyone watching, they never have to step into the shoes of those characters and deal with something like that.

The Dangers Of Sleep Medications

Sleep Medications like, Ambien, Sonata, and Lunesta are commonly prescribed by doctors as a treatment for insomnia. Insomnia is a feeling of sleepiness combined with an inability to go to sleep. Though the sleep loss caused by insomnia can be problematic and even dangerous, sleep medications also have their risks. This includes a risk of forming an addiction to sleeping pills.

These drugs help you sleep by trying to correct a chemical imbalance in your brain that may be keeping you from sleeping. These drugs are fast acting sometimes taking effect in only a few minuets. Ambien and Lunesta are best if taken when you can get a full 8 hour sleep. Sonata's effects wear off more quickly, so it can be used even if you only have a few hours. 

Before you take and of these sleep medications their are a few things you should know. First, you should never take these drugs with alcohol or any other drugs without asking your doctor first. These drugs commonly dampen or increase the effectiveness of the drugs in unpredictable ways. second, you should also allow yourself at least 8 hours of sleep before you attempt to operate heavy machinery. This is to allow the drug to fully leave your system before you do something that could hurt yourself or others.

There is also a risk that with extended use, you could form an addiction to sleeping pills. Though not as common as prescription pain medications, forming a dependency on sleep medications can happen if you use them for an extended period of time. Eventually, you may become unable to sleep without them and start experiencing painful side effects if you don't use them for a night like headaches or confusion. Overdosing on sleeping pills can also lead to problems including, organ failure, coma, and death.

Sleep is important. Without it you would slowly loose your ability to function. lack of sleep can cause tiredness, an inability to focus, headaches, and even hallucinations if you go too long without sleep. But remember, the sleep pills can be dangerous too so beware.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Information You Should Know About Opioids And Morphine


There are many drugs that you can take today that will provide you with some relief from pain. These drugs include Methadone, Fentanyl, and opioids. Another one that is very potent is called morphine, as well as morphine derivatives. In this article we will talk about opiates and morphine derivatives, and also how to remedy addiction to pain meds.

Pain Medications From Doctors

When you go to a doctor for pain medications, they will usually provide you with a prescription for something that will help your muscles or your central nervous system. If it is for your muscles, it will be something that is not a narcotic, and will relax your muscles such as ibuprofen. However, it is more severe, and you need lots of relief, opioids and morphine derivatives are often prescribed. These drugs include Vicodin, Norco, and many others that are derived from the poppyseed. Morphine is another strong drug that we will now discuss.

Morphine For Pain Relief

Morphine is a combination analgesic, as well as a narcotic drug, that is derived from opium. It has an ability to reduce physical pain, but it can also make you very lethargic. If you suffer from anything such as intestinal diseases, stomach problems, or if you have breathing problems such as asthma, you should not take this drug as it can exacerbate these other conditions. Just like the other opiates, it can become habit-forming, as well as reduce your ability to function cognitively. This is only to be used with those that have severe pain that can find no relief from over-the-counter meds such as Tylenol, something that your doctor must prescribed. If you develop an addiction for it, you can find help from addiction centers in your area that specifically help those that suffer from addiction to opiates drugs.

Relief and Treatment from the Addiction to Opiates and Prescription Drugs:

 Laguna Beach Recovery
1755 Park Avenue
Laguna Beach , Ca 92651
(888) 632-7135

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Monday, June 2, 2014

Tips For Getting Your Child To Stop Smoking

Smoking is a dangerous and unhealthy habit, but due to its addictive nature, it can be very hard to quit smoking. Many people try again and again to kick the habit, but find themselves backsliding and picking up a pack of cigarettes again. The following tips should help you finally quit smoking for good.
Help the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. If you decide not to use a product that contains nicotine, such as a patch, gum or lozenges, think about asking your doctor about a prescription medication. Certain pills can help to reduce cravings by affecting the chemicals that your brain produces, lessening the symptoms. There are also certain medications that will make a cigarette taste nasty if you decide to smoke.

If you are creating a quit plan, be sure to write a list of all the ways you can give up the habit. You can and should customize this list to your life and habits. Every single person will have their own individual triggers that need attention. Everyone has a unique style that helps them achieve their goals. You need to do what works for you. That's the purpose of making a personalized list.

In order to succeed with your goal of quitting smoking, it's important that you write down the benefits that are derived from quitting smoking. Some examples include living a longer life, feeling great, smelling better, saving money, etc. Lots of benefits are gained from eliminating smoking from your life. Writing them down can help to keep you motivated to succeed.

As any smoker knows, trying to quit can be a very frustrating experience. The advice and information you have read in this article should have given you some tools you can use to reduce this frustration and make some real progress towards quitting smoking. Make use of these tips to give up this habit for good.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Crystal Meth: One of The Most Dangerous Drugs on The Market


Crystal meth is popular, but it is also deadly and illegal. This drug is responsible for destroying many lives. Crystal meth is also called methamphetamine and crank, and is a chemical form of speed. When someone you know has a crystal meth addiction, they need to be enrolled in a drug rehab program immediately.

Crystal meth is a laboratory made product and is made from dangerous and poisonous chemicals. The labs are dangerous places in themselves and explosions are common. Even the police wear protective suits when they raid meth labs so they don't have to be exposed to the chemicals.

After the meth has been produced, it can be found on the black market. People form all walks of life use crystal meth and it is extremely easy to become addicted to it. Meth is notoriously hard to stop using and many people become addicted.

People can use crystal meth in a few ways. The most popular way is to inhale it directly into the nose like cocaine. Some people prefer to smoke it. A person can even get their fix by injecting it a vein so it goes straight into the blood. People who like to inhale meth often suffer from nosebleeds, while people who inject it end up with collapsed veins and visible track marks on their bodies. Sometimes people who don't want anyone to know they are using meth add it to drinks or eat it.

Crystal meth has many negative effects on the body. It increases the heart rate and can cause paranoia. A person's eyes take on a glassy look and may not be able to focus well.

Crystal meth is one of the worst drugs around. Anyone who is addicted to it will find it just about impossible to stop without medical help. Treatment at a reputable drug rehabilitation center is crucial.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Understanding Amphetamines and Substance Abuse


Amphetamines are a part of a group of psychoactive drugs that are called CNS stimulants. The street term for amphetamines is "uppers" and speed is one of the most well known of the amphetamines. There are several different drugs in the amphetamine group, and they include methamphetamine and dextroamphetamine.

Amphetamines were created in 1887 by a German chemist called L Edeleano, but it was not until several decades later that the CNS stimulating properties of the drug were noticed. In the early days, the drug was actually used as an inhaler to relieve nasal congestion. Later, it was recommended to cure narcolepsy, hangovers, depression, morning sickness and other conditions. Amphetamines were cheap, widely available, and versatile. The potential for addiction and substance abuse was not noticed until the 1980s, when a highly concentrated version of methamphetamine became more commonly prescribed, and addiction became more commonplace.

Drug and Alcohol Intensive Outpatient Program
The short term effects of excessive amphetamine use can include paranoia, an increased body temperature, euphoria, increased blood pressure, palpitations, nausea, headaches, and even cardiovascular system failure. In the long term, behavioral and physiological disorders can develop. Repeated high doses of amphetamines can cause cardiac arrhythmia, malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, convulsions, toxic psychosis and skin disorders.

Amphetamines are highly addictive and sudden withdrawal can cause serious physiological problems. For this reason it is a good idea to seek professional medical advice if you or someone you know has an amphetamine problem. A detox clinic can help to manage the withdrawal symptoms and offer advice on how to return to normal society. Often, it is the psychological support that makes the difference between an addict staying clean or returning to their old ways. If you do not diagnose the reason that the drug use started in the first place, a relapse is likely.