Friday, October 24, 2014

Friends And Family Are Very Important When It Comes To Alcohol Abuse Treatment

Millions of people around the world drink alcohol without any problems. It is great to have it in drinks at social events as it can help to loosen people up. This kind of social drinking does not cause any problems, though, and is accepted as normal alcohol consumption.

 However, for a few people, alcohol can become a problem, and the effects of alcohol abuse is not only to the drinker, but family and friends as well. The strain on families can be so much due to an alcohol abuser that in the end it can prove too much, and they split up.

Research has shown, that for a person to want to have alcohol abuse treatment, it is best if family and friends help them as much as possible. Having the support of those who are close can be the difference between an alcoholic getting help, or continuing on the road to destruction. The longer alcohol is abused, the more difficult it is for a person to stop. Another downside to long term abuse is the damage it can do to the body.

The worst case scenario for those who abuse alcohol is liver damage. Alcohol will eventually cause so much damage to this organ that cirrhosis will appear. If drinking continues after this point the outlook is grim, as the liver can fail. Once that happens the body will die.

Many other parts of the body are affected as well, which is why the sooner the problem is rectified, the better the long term outcome will be. This is why it is important to have everything out in the open, and as much talking is done with the drinker so that they understand help is available to them.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Taking Methamphetamines Means More Downs Than Ups

The reason why many people resort to substance abuse is that it helps them to escape the world. Well, that is the theory anyway, but it is not really like that. Taking a drug such as crystal meth can give the person a high, as well as a feel good factor.

However, to everything in life that has an upside there is also the inevitable downside. Methamphetamines for instance, give a person a rush of good feelings, but as it starts to wear off, a feeling of anger, edginess and fear can set in. These negative effects last much longer than the positive ones.

So, in order to get the positive effects back, the user needs to take more drugs, and this is how addiction starts. Once a person is addicted to something like crank, it can be extremely difficult to break the cycle. Apart from the mental effects this kind of drug results in, there are also physical ones as well.

For people who have been abusing for a long period of time, withdrawal should only be done under medical supervision. This is because the physical issues associated with withdrawal can be painful, as well as other side effects.

Breaking the cycle of drug abuse often needs to have support from the family, help from friends, and overseen by a doctor. Depending on the length of time drugs have been taken, will decide how easy or difficult it is to come off them.

The good news though is that with the correct help and support, there is always a positive result. As long as support continues after treatment, then most addicts manage to stay off the drugs. Although it can still be difficult for a previous addict to stay off drugs, it gets easier as time goes by.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Substance Abuse Treatment Can Help To Prolong Life

It is well-known that drugs such as crystal meth can ruin lives, but that does not stop people from taking it. What many people do not know is the physical damage it can do. For those who are addicted, substance abuse treatment is the best way to prevent further physical deterioration. The damage done to the body depends on the exact drug type taken, the amount, and the duration of the abuse. So what kind of damage does drug addiction do to the body?

Certain drugs have different effects. For instance, cannabis is known to have an effect on the mind, especially if it is used over a long period of time. The longer the use, the more likely the person will become more paranoid. This means that those who take weed for a long time are more susceptible to mental illness later in life.

One organ that can be damaged through drug use is the liver. One of the functions of this organ is to filter toxins out of the blood, and this includes things like drugs and alcohol. It works as one of the best filtration systems, but it does have its limits. When they are exceeded, then damage is caused. This makes it function less efficiently, and so toxins build up in the body, which damage other organs.

Another organ that can be damaged through drug abuse is the heart. Many of the illegal drugs will cause the heart to beat either erratically, or at a high speed. Over time, this puts a lot of stress on the heart, and it can lead to permanent damage. This is why cardiac arrest is common in long term abusers. The best way to stay healthy is to not take illegal drugs at all. However, for those who are addicted, then treatment must be sought.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Substance Abuse Treatment for Methamphetamine Addiction

One of the most dangerous drugs around today is methamphetamine. Called speed, meth or crystal by those who use it, this harmful substance is man made and contains some very troubling ingredients. Although a person will experience a speed high when using meth, these chemicals will also rapidly begin to erode the entire body, making the person a shell of what they once were.

It can be very difficult for a person to quit using meth without some form of intervention. The withdrawal from it causes a great deal of discomfort and pain. The addict feels compelled to consume more in order to relieve their suffering.

When an addict choosing to go to a substance abuse treatment program, they are given the opportunity to go through detox under the care of medical professionals. They may be able to administer some non-narcotic drugs that will help to alleviate some of the pain. There may be other treatments that are used during the detoxification period, depending upon the facility.

Once a person has gotten through the worst of withdrawal, they will be allowed to join the others for group meetings. This is a great place for those in treatment to begin expressing some of their feelings, including embarrassment and fear. The other people in the meeting are also in treatment for their own substance abuse and a facilitator who works for the facility is present to help guide the conversation and make certain the group remains a safe place for everyone to discuss themselves.

Treatment facilities also work with addicts to help them establish a safe environment and practices once they leave the treatment center. This can include seeing a private counselor and going to twelve step meetings in town.

Those who are addicted to meth need to get treatment.