Saturday, September 6, 2014

Why You Should Stop Using Barbiturates

A very popular drug several decades ago that was used to help people that were suffering from depression or anxiety were called barbiturates. These drugs went under a number of different names including Seconal, Phenobarbital, Amytal and Nembutal.The reason that doctors prescribed these particular drugs was because they could help people sleep and acted as a sedative which could help with their fears and anxieties.

 However, these drugs were found to be very dangerous, and very addicting, and benzodiazepines were soon the drug of choice to replace barbiturates that were prescribed. Let's look at what these drugs actually do and where you can get help for treatment for this type of drug abuse.

What Barbiturates Do In Your Body

Barbiturates are actually anxiolytics that also act as anticonvulsants. They have a wide spectrum of uses including anesthesia and mild sedation. They directly act upon the central nervous system as a depressant, making it possible for people to feel less stressed.

There are side effects, however, which included extremely bad headaches, and also an increase in some of their symptoms which made people feel even worse. That's why benzodiazepines have replaced these drugs, with Xanax leading the way. To get treatment for this drug, however, here are some strategies you can use.

Getting Off Of Barbiturates

To stop taking these drugs, you can get a prescription for Xanax or other benzodiazepines that are available today. You can check into a rehabilitation clinic where they can help you with your problem. You can also find natural remedies such as lemon balm extract that also works directly on the central nervous system. All of these avenues are available to you, clearly showing anyone that has an addiction to barbiturates that they can stop using them quite easily.

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