Crystal meth is a laboratory made product and is made from dangerous and poisonous chemicals. The labs are dangerous places in themselves and explosions are common. Even the police wear protective suits when they raid meth labs so they don't have to be exposed to the chemicals.
After the meth has been produced, it can be found on the black market. People form all walks of life use crystal meth and it is extremely easy to become addicted to it. Meth is notoriously hard to stop using and many people become addicted.
People can use crystal meth in a few ways. The most popular way is to inhale it directly into the nose like cocaine. Some people prefer to smoke it. A person can even get their fix by injecting it a vein so it goes straight into the blood. People who like to inhale meth often suffer from nosebleeds, while people who inject it end up with collapsed veins and visible track marks on their bodies. Sometimes people who don't want anyone to know they are using meth add it to drinks or eat it.
Crystal meth has many negative effects on the body. It increases the heart rate and can cause paranoia. A person's eyes take on a glassy look and may not be able to focus well.
Crystal meth is one of the worst drugs around. Anyone who is addicted to it will find it just about impossible to stop without medical help. Treatment at a reputable drug rehabilitation center is crucial.