Used as a poor-man's heroin, painkillers such as the popular Oxycodone and Hydrocodone are finding their way into the hands of teenagers. In some communities, where there are more industrial jobs, more of these types of drugs are prescribed since more people need them because of the hard physical work that they do.
Painkillers have a slow release to help stop abuse. To get around this, teens will melt the drugs down and inject it just like people do with heroin. That way they can avoid the time release and feel the drugs right way. This makes these types of drugs as dangerous and as addicting as heroin is.
If you or someone you know of is addicted to painkillers, it is important to get help fast. Being addicted to Oxycodone HCL, Hydrocodone and other types of painkillers is becoming more and more common. The sad fact is that these types of addictions can in fact lead to death as well as wreaking someone's life. They are so similar to drugs like heroin and people will have a very hard time quitting on their own.
A professional is needed in order to get over the addiction. If you are addicted to these types of drugs, you need to give us a call as soon as possible. Our center is equipped with a great staff and professionals that know how to handle this type of addiction. We also will provide any counseling services that might be needed. There will be a process of healing that needs to be addressed while you are getting help for your addiction.
If Your Teen is Abusing Prescription Painkillers, or Has Become Addicted to Prescription Drugs, You Must Seek Immediate Help For This Life-Threatening Condition!
The Dunes East Hampton Can Help Treat The Deadly Disease of Prescription Drug Abuse and Addiction:

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