Saturday, March 29, 2014

Dispelling Myths About PCP

If you have been watching the news in recent years, you may have heard about several crimes that were linked to PCP. While this is a very dangerous drug, it is important for you to understand that some of the information given is pure fiction. The following article will help clear up some of the myths you may have heard.

MYTH: PCP users are prone to cannibalism and other grotesque crimes against humanity.

Many people that use this drug are actually more calm than they are in their normal lives. People who commit horrific acts while on PCP do so because they have a predisposition to violence and the drug brought that side out.

MYTH: PCP can give you superhuman strength.

This is a myth that has been floating around for years. Law enforcement personnel have claimed that PCP has given some people enough to break through metal handcuffs. The reality is that there were tests done to determine if strength is increased while using this drug and the results proved the opposite.

MYTH: People on PCP are not able to feel any pain.

This is actually true to a certain extent. While the drug has some anesthetic properties that will reduce any pain felt by the user, it will not make it go away entirely.

MYTH: This drug is not being used anymore.

While PCP use was much more prevalent in the 1970s, there are still people out there that are using it on a regular basis. If you go to large, urban, high-crime areas, it is common to find people who smoke "wet," which is marijuana cigarettes dipped in PCP.

It is very important for everyone to educate themselves when it comes to illicit drugs. You should know exactly why this is not something that you want to add to your life. Hopefully, you have learned something here that will prevent you from becoming a statistic.

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