There is a moment of realization that alcoholics have, when they first discover the extreme seriousness of their alcohol abuse -- often times, this is the realization that they are an alcoholic, addicted to alcohol, and begin having withdrawals if the attempt to stop drinking.
The first time an alcoholic experiences severe alcohol withdrawals, it is a very scary time. While withdrawal symptoms can vary from patient to patient, one of the most prominent symptom related to alcohol withdrawal is anxiety or panic attacks. These are very frightening spells of extreme worry, where the individual is terrified that they are going to die, or be hurt. While there is no one thing that this fear can be attributed to, it is simply the mind's frantic response to the alcohol levels in the body dropping.
The only way to successfully combat these alcohol withdrawals is through a holistic medical detox program that will allow the alcohol dependent patient to slowly ween off of alcohol, under the supervision of medical professionals, to prevent any of the many medical conditions that can happen during alcohol detox, such as seizures, stroke, or heart failure.
Being a holistic detox, the idea is to treat the entire patient's mind, body, and soul. During the medical detox process, counseling, and mental health experts are also with you while undergoing the process. These counselors are there for mental and spiritual support, and to assist you in getting through the detox process.
Are you considering a holistic alcohol detox?
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