While heroin has been used as a drug to help relieve pain in the medical field, it is now often used and greatly abused by people who are using it for a recreational high. Usually, people who do heroin will feel euphoria, pain relief, muscle relaxation or even the effects of sedation. A well known depressant, heroin goes by many other names such as junk, smack, H, black tar, dirt, scag and much more. Due to the tremendous side effects and the overall danger of this drug, it is important that you educate yourself on the signs and symptoms to look for if you suspect a loved one might be using.
Some of the ways that users will get their high from heroin will be through snorting, smoking and most often injection into the veins. For a user who snorts their heroin, you will often notice that they will sniffle, snort and even touch or rub their nose quite often, People who smoke their heroin will often have chapped lips and a variety of dental issues. Finally, a user who likes to inject their heroin will often appear to have rashes, flushing, itching of the skin and scars on areas where there are major veins such as the arms and feet.
All in all, every user regardless of the method that they take the drug, will show signs of confusion, inebriation, disorientation, pupil constriction and sedation. If a user is out of heroin and in need of a fix, you will often see them becoming paranoid, easily scared and even violent if they start to have withdrawals from the inability to use.
It goes without saying that the risk of death from heroin abuse is very high. In addition to that, people who abuse heroin will often be subject to infections if they inject and even a chance of developing any number of heart conditions or brain diseases. Because of these and many other dangers, it is important to seek help for anyone that you suspect to be using heroin.
For more information on the effects and warning signs of heroing use, or if you would like to learn about the various drug addiction treatment programs that can treat those with an addiction to heroin, there is a wealth of information at Mountain Village's In-patient Recovery Blog:
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